IHSS Portal > Application for Social Services ( * Indicates Required Fields )

SOC 295

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Section 1 - Applicant Information (Person receiving IHSS Services)

NOTE: The collection of the Social Security Number is required by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, Public Law 99-603 (8 USC 1324a), for the purposes of verifying the individual’s identity and authorization to work in the United States.

Section 2 - Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (Optional)

Section 3 - Veteran Information

Section 4 - SSI/SSP Information

Section 5 - Past IHSS Information

Section 6 - Household Information
Section 7 - Ethnic and Language Information

Section 8 - Communication Accomodations

Section 9 - Affirmation

I affirm that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I agree to cooperate fully if verification of the above statements is required in the future.

I also understand that as the employer of my IHSS provider(s) I am responsible for:

1. Hiring, training, supervising, scheduling and, when necessary, firing my provider(s).
2. Ensuring the total hours reported by all providers who work for me do not exceed my IHSS authorized hours each month.
3. Referring any individual I want to hire to the County IHSS office to complete the provider eligibility process.
4. Notifying the County IHSS office within 10 days when I hire or fire a provider.

In addition, I understand and agree to the following terms and limitations regarding payment for services by the IHSS program:

1. In order for any individual to be paid by the IHSS program, they must be approved as an IHSS eligible provider.
2. If I choose to have an individual work for me who has not yet been approved as an eligible IHSS provider, I will be responsible for paying him/her if he/she is not approved.
3. The IHSS program will not pay for any services provided to me until my application for services is approved and then will only pay for those services that are authorized for me to receive by the IHSS Program.
4. I will be responsible for paying for any services I receive that are not included in my IHSS authorization.
5. I will be responsible for paying my Share-of-Cost (SOC) and informing my individual provider(s) of that SOC.

I also understand and agree to cooperate with the following as a part of my eligibility for IHSS:

To promote program integrity and quality assurance, I may be subject to (un)announced visits to my home and that I or my provider(s) may receive letters identifying program requirement concerns from the State Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), California Department of Social Services (CDSS) and/or the County in which I receive services.

The purpose of the visits and letters is to ensure that program requirements are being followed and that the authorized services are necessary for you to remain safely in your home. The visit will also verify that the authorized services are being provided, that the quality of those services is acceptable, and that your well-being is protected.

If it is found that IHSS services are not required or not being properly provided, you and/or your provider may be subject to a Medi-Cal fraud investigation. If fraud is substantiated, you and/or your provider will be prosecuted for Medi-Cal fraud.

Please complete required fields (*)

IHSS Portal > Application for Social Services

Application Submitted!

Thank you for submitting your In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) application. Within two (2) business days of receipt of your application, forms will be sent to your mailing address. These forms will include your case number and requests for additional information to assist us in verifying your IHSS needs.

IHSS is a Medi-Cal benefit. If you do not have Medi-Cal at the time of application for IHSS, an eligibility packet will be mailed out to you. The completed packet must be returned to continue with the IHSS application process. Eligibility information can be found at https://www.dhcs.ca.gov/services/medi-cal/Pages/DoYouQualifyForMedi-Cal.aspx.

If you have additional questions regarding IHSS, more information can be found at https://www.cdss.ca.gov/in-home-supportive-services. If you do not receive the mailed forms within ten (10) business days, please call Riverside County IHSS HOME at (888) 960-4477.

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